Friday, August 28, 2009

Aquaphor for the Peepers

I've used Aquaphor for years as it's great for dry skin and lips, especially in winter. It's great for manicures and pedicures, keeping your cuticles and feet soft. Also a good ointment for baby's bum. I recently read in a magazine (can't remember which one?)
that Aquaphor is a great eye wrinkle treatment. So I gave it a try at night, just a very tiny amount under both eyes, gently. It's a thick ointment but not grease-shine like Vaseline. Next morning I woke up and the skin under my eyes definately felt smoother and slightly taught. Better results than any other eye cream or gel I've used in the past, I gave up on them long ago. Now I just use Aquaphor when I'm feeling the bags and wrinkles.

Friday, August 14, 2009


After a terrible self-chop with full on bangs, I gave myself last fall, and many die jobs from the previous year, my hair and bangs have finally grown out. I love having my natural hue again!  It's naturally dark and perfect for the upcoming fall season.  I am now in need of a professional cut.  My husband loves Victoria Beckham's hair, and insists I get mine cut in a bob like hers.  Although I am no platinum blonde and never will be again. (tried that, too high maintenance!) My naturally dark brown hair, I think and so does my husband, would look just as nice with a cut like Victoria's.  I plan to take this image with me to the salon and we'll see what they can pull off!  Excited! 

Love My Purple

I've been looking for a plaid top lately, but cannot seem to find anything that less resembles a lumberjack. I think this one from is just perfect! It's edgy but yet feminine. And one of my favorite colors to wear lately, purple! In these last months left of summer I'd pair it with simple jean shorts and flip flops and in fall a pair of jeans and chucks. Perfect for chasing my toddler around!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Taking Up My Time

It has been long since I've posted. Now being 7 weeks pregnant I have been consumed in many books and PBS shows to distract my thoughts. My current book addiction, thanks to recommendations, The Sookie Stackhouse Novels by Charlaine Harris. OMG! I have read the first two books and they are sooo good. Going to continue reading the many others. I have not seen True Blood yet, but my brother is really into the show. After discussing the book compared to the show it sounds quite different in some ways but still very good! I just might see if True Blood is playing on HBO OnDemand when I visit my family's house tomorrow. Or I may have to convince my husband to just buy the first season on DVD. That would mean post-poning the purchase of Gossip Girl Season 2, which is available Tuesday!